
Clear mind, happy mind.

Join the clear mind club - a newsletter about creativity, productivity and being human.

Clear mind club: How useful is your judge?

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about how feelings can be hidden in judgements and how that judge might be a part of us, but it is not all of us. Maybe it's there to tell us something more important if we get curious about it. Happy reading! How useful is your judge? I see a lot of distress and suffering coming from paying attention to that judging inner voice murkying our thoughts. Most experiences aren’t as painful as the amount of judgemental thinking that happens as a reaction to...

Clear mind club: Removing distractions to better pay attention

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about how to create a peaceful state of mind and a more mindful way of being, without having to add anything else to do. I wonder if removing information or subtracting practices can leave more space for new insights and clear thinking to happen. Do we need to meditate to be mindful? Happy reading! Removing distractions Today everything feels busy. We have goals to achieve. Targets to hit. Meetings, meetings, and more meetings to sit in. 1 in 4 people...
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Clear mind club: What seems true

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about the stories we create and how they can become truths for us over time. Happy reading! What seems true This post talks about what seems true but isn't always the truth and whether the old stories end up holding us back. Read post A quote This quote made me think about how many real truths there are compared to the amount of stories we tell ourselves. “Truth is so rare that it is delightful to tell it.” - Emily Dickinson, poet A question What seems...

Clear mind club: How to begin walking towards the impossible

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about how far away and out-of-reach big dreams can often feel. But also if we don't start moving towards them, there is pretty much a 100% chance they are going to stay as dreams and not happen. What stops us from living our dreams? Happy reading! How to begin walking towards the impossible Imagine you had even a 5% chance of achieving something that seems impossible. Would that be enough to push you to try? What kind of support would you need beyond...

Clear mind club: Shifting from why to why not

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about what gets in the way of our creativity, starting projects or making changes. Why don't we start? What does that voice in our mind say to prevent action? Maybe we decide that it's not a worthy project, or it's too big to start, or we have no clear outcome in mind. What is it that can stop us from trying in the first place? Are we getting stuck in a why? Happy reading! Shifting from why to why not Much to the dismay of Simon Sinek (if we knew each...

Clear mind club: Forming a habit effortlessly

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about creating new habits with more joy and less effort. Sometimes the goal can seem too steep and you feel like you'll never get there, so it can be simpler to look at the systems you construct to achieve the goals you want. Happy reading! Forming a habit effortlessly It can be hard to get motivated when something feels a tiny bit too difficult to reach. Inspired by James Clear’s Atomic Habits I decided to experiment with making a habit out of doing...

Clear mind club: The curious relativity of time

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about the concept of time and the reality of it. And of how we can spend time wishing some experiences away, and how we want more time in other situations. Last week I was in Poland visiting lots of new places and seeing new things, time really flies for me when I'm exploring and learning. I'm curious what speeds up time for you? Happy reading! The curious relativity of time Time is a concept we don’t mess with. We know that there are 60 seconds in a...

Clear mind club: Listening on different levels

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about what types of listening are useful in different areas of life. Whether it's personal reflections, listening with friends, problem-solving projects, or in a coaching situation; the quality of how we are listening can affect who we are with. Hope you hear something new and let me know how you listen the most. Happy reading! Listening on different levels I’ve been learning about three levels of listening recently. Each level has its own awareness and...
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Clear mind club: Choose your hat

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about hats! Well, more about identity and how we create and form it. Happy reading! Choose your hat Hats come in all shapes and sizes. Some hats are rigid. Some hats are malleable. Some hats keep you dry. Some hats keep you warm. Some are just for decoration. Sometimes we get stuck wearing the same hat for too long and we form an identity with it. Read post A quote This made me think about how our identities can form because of the hat we choose to wear...

Clear mind club: Be a designer of your experience

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about design and life, and designing life. Of course, we can't control everything that happens to us in life but we can imagine, design and choose where we want to go whilst responding to some of the obstacles along the way. Happy reading! Be a designer of your experience I’ve been exploring the space of what it means to be a mindful designer - someone aware of designing the life around them. It seems to me everyone designs, but we’re not all aware...

Join the clear mind club - a newsletter about creativity, productivity and being human.