
Clear mind, happy mind.

Join the clear mind club - a weekly newsletter about creativity, productivity and being human.

Clear mind club: Be a fisherman if you like

Hello, curious minds I've been about success lately. My clients usually want to achieve success in some form or another - it could be more money, more freedom, more confidence. What I find most interesting is how nothing looks the same for everyone and how when we focus on the outside ideas of success, we often lose track of the things we actually value the most. Happy reading! The story of the fisherman The other day I was reminded of the old story of the fisherman and the businessman (feel...

Clear mind club: To do, or not to do, a to-do list

Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about misconceptions we can have about productivity and how what might work for one person, doesn't work for another. This week I'm sharing an action I took that made me more productive and gave me more freedom. Happy reading! To do, or not to do, a to-do list I deleted my to-do list and something counterintuitive happened. I had a very long to-do list, lots of tasks, ideas, projects, bits of work… and not enough time in the day to do it all. I would...

Clear mind club: Knowing when to quit

Issue #4 20th June 2024 Read on web Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about how the narrative around quitting is often not to do it - just keep pushing hard and you'll get through whatever. But what if it would be better to quit something in order to do something else - just because it would make you happier? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Happy reading! Knowing when to quit Quitting can be hard. It feels like something we don’t always want to talk about. People might judge us,...

Clear mind club: Small shifts for big changes

Issue #3 13th June 2024 Read on web Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about how tiny reflections can lead to bigger insights and impact. The small things make the big differences. Happy reading! Small shifts for big changes People don’t always notice how much they’ve changed and grown. It is not always the big shifts like changing careers or relationships that we notice. Sometimes little shifts happen without us seeing it. Read post A quote This quote about the compound effect got me...

Clear mind club: The creativity game

Issue #2 6th June 2024 Read on web Hello, curious minds Last week I started something and then changed my mind! No, it wasn't about starting the newsletter, I changed my mind about what this newsletter is called. I began with a Being and Doing newsletter because I feel like we spend a lot of time doing things and less time reflecting on who we are. However, I've realised that although I will probably write about this a lot, one of the most productive states of being for me is when I am...

It's ok to change your mind

Issue #1 31st May 2024 Read on web Hello, curious minds I've been thinking about starting a newsletter for a while and I've changed my mind about doing it so many times that I almost gave up. Today I had a clear mind and felt like writing something... so I did, and well, I guess this is the beginning of something! I thought I'd try to keep the structure simple so it's one story, one quote, one question, and one action to consider. Happy reading! Aimee It's ok to change your mind Starting...

Join the clear mind club - a weekly newsletter about creativity, productivity and being human.